A downloadable Rated X for Windows

What's next?: The next demo will be available in late 2022. Made in HaxeFlixel/Unity because I only know Java lol. I should use Phyton though.

This game is like Pico’s school. Just with WASD keys.

Play it on Newgrounds:


Play it on Scratch:




Credit for art style:


Join the official discord server:


Rated X for Everyone


Updates every week

Noted updates:

-Beta Version 1.0.1: The hall (very scary) and upload to scratch.

-Beta Version 1.0.2: Fixed Bugs for the game starting with the hallway appearing as the first background instead of the classroom, and made a project cover just for the beta. Deleted the locker background.

-(NOT A UPDATE BUT)Beta Version 1.0.3: Had to be taken down for a few days to be fixed fully in the backdrop transitioning and movement bug. As such, animations for the Avatar are removed (sad). Fortunately, it was just an error that I made and was fixed quickly and the locker background was uploaded again. 

-Beta Version 1.0.31: Smoother animations for walking and the (not telling you) key animations added. Now with the usage of arrow keys!

-Beta Version 1.0.4: Wow it's god and a spirit. Place of worship added. Pray that this game goes viral. More bugs fixed btw.

-Beta Version 1.0.5: Yay posters

-Beta Version 1.1(finally)[had to skip a few versions]: Yay now finally have the EWC, easter eggs, and a start-up menu. 

-Beta Version 1.1.1: EWC OFFICIALLY KØMPL3TE! Also finally made toilet and officially on NEWGROUNDS

Beta Version 1.1.1.: Tricked you.

Beta Version Added a thing that bans you from doing anything on the game if you enter any Doom cheat codes to the god in the worship room unless you restart the game by clicking on the green flag. And made a poster for my upcoming project (Hint: Wow no look).

-Beta version 1.1.2(cancelled): Fixed the toilet bug and added ETEWC on Mac.


Beta Version 2.0 (Coming 14 Nov 2021): Firstly, yay it is now in 2.0. There are other special NPC's and normal ones. The team added boss fights, with music created by the original creator (that sounds like Pokémon). Secondly, the team finally created high demand items, such as a menu, skins, and lots more to discover. And lastly, there are going to be things secretly added on Saturdays every week until January 29th, 2022. **calling it Saturday Nights** (Like secret Fridays, from Minecraft). And that is all added for This 2.0 beta update. Stay safe!

Demo version 2.1: Christmas update: LMAO a new feature is added to the game (secretly, go find in the codes).

-Beta version 1.1.2(cancelled): Fixed the t

—————————————————————————————————————————————Originated from the English teacher in my class. 

Wac hr ef u dar.


Plans on "The Road Ahead"

-Make Pico an avatar skin, for Pico's day on Newgrounds.

- Reduce lag (must)

-Smoother animations for everyone, including EWC teacher: Miss Yap, Avatar, and ghost_ly-teacher.exe.

-Also make a Girl Avatar skin, and a Tricky skin for Madness Day on Newgrounds


Thanking @scratchgirl27's project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/201164/

which I found quite useful along with the making of this game to go wherever etc...

Also, don't forget Scratch Team member @Zinnea for inspiring me to make my "Virtual Town".


I want to make a transgender toilet in this school, hope you don't mind!

Love my man Emanuel for giving me stupid ideas.

Also, I donated $25 to Scratch alr so stop begging me.


Files 678 kB

Install instructions

Uncompress it in order to access the game files & the game

Also come back soon for a zip thingy